XULA BUILD Brings Summer Experiences for New and Current Students

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Contact Info: airvin1@xula.edu

Arylsse Rodney (right) attended Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to conduct Undergraduate Summer Research.

"This summer I was able to conduct research at one of the top schools of Public Health in the nation,” Rodney said. “This school year, I look forward to presenting my research at conferences and developing my own research project. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without the support of XULA BUILD- Project Pathways."

Tiffany Philips attended the University of California, Davis to conduct undergraduate summer research.

“This summer I conducted research at UC Davis in the Lebrilla Lab,” Philips said. “Our research is focused on analytical chemistry with an emphasis on infant nutrition and biomarkers using a number of mass spectrometry methods. I analyzed breast-milk proteins and glycoproteins because they play a vital role in infants’ lives by providing nutrition and aiding in the defense against pathogens. Since there is little quantitative information on the PTM glycosylation, my project focused on the quantification of human milk proteins and their site specific glycosylation. I look forward to #BUILDing my pathway to success with experiences like these.”

XULA BUILD Orientation Session

The XULA BUILD orientation session occurred on August 11 in the Xavier University of Louisiana University Center, with over 500 students and parents in attendance. The informational session was held by the XULA BUILD team to give students and parents the opportunity to learn about the BUILD program and how it provides undergraduate research opportunities to diversify the biomedical research workforce. The guest speaker was Maiysha Jones, senior scientist with Procter & Gamble. An  Xavier University of Louisiana graduate also addressed the students and shared about her experience in the biomedical field.

XULA BUILD Cohort 4 students along with techs and alumni at the Summer Research Symposium in July 2018.

The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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